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 A Savoir Pour L'Examen

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Admin associale
Admin associale

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Date d'inscription : 10/10/2010

A Savoir Pour L'Examen Empty
MessageSujet: A Savoir Pour L'Examen   A Savoir Pour L'Examen Icon_minitimeMar 26 Oct - 0:47

Voici comme promis la liste des choses à savoir pour l'examen. Si vous voulez mon avis, les questions de l'examen trainent dedans ! Smile

pour l'instant il n'y a aucune traduction, je vous les ferai dans un second post en cour de semaine ^^

Year 2, Class 1, Very Important Vocabulary

1)Name the hospital departments, personnel: Nommer les services de l'hopital , le personnel

nurse’s aide=Aide soignante
clinical nurse specialist= infirmière spécialisée
outpatient dept=
occupational therapist= ergothérapeute

2)Name equipment and supplies
/nommer les équipements et le matériel
Syringes= seringues
4x4= compresses de 4x4cm
fire alarm=alarme incendie
fire extinguishers= extincteurs
sharps container= containers OPCT
bedpan= bassin
isolation gowns & masks,
raised toilet seats= sièges de toilettes relevés

3) Name at least 5 nursing skills/ Nommer au moins 5 compétences infirmières
Monitoring PCA=
administering a subcutaneous injection= faire une injection sous cutanée
changing an IV bag= changer une poche à perfusion
assisting with range of motion= aider à la mobilisation
position changes, using appropriate body mechanics = changements de position ergonomiques
measurement of fluid intake and output= mesure/ bilan des entrées/sorties
irrigation of catheter= irrigation d'un cathéter
sterile dressing change,
suture removal= ablation de sutures
suctioning= ponction
insertion of nasogastric tube= pose d'une sonde nasogastrique
assessment of reflexes=test des réflexes

4)Use terms that describe giving medication to patients
/ Utiliser des termes décrivant la médication du patient

Administer medication= donner le tritement = dispense medication,
medicated with…= traité par ...
side effects= effets secondaires
controlled drugs= psychotropes

5)Explain the meaning of universal precautions/ expliquer la signification des précautions universelles

6)Name and describe the written and oral formats for communication with our fellow workers about patients/ nommer et décrire les formes de comunications orales et écrites avec nos collègues pour parler du patient.

Written: à l'acrit
Documentation, charting: transmissions
Narrative nursing notes,
flow chart (or flow sheet)= dossier patient ,
medication administration chart= dossier de suivi des médicaments

Oral: (Give report at the end of your shift) à l'oral ( faire les trans orales à la fin de la période de travail)

7)Items that should be documented/ Items à noter
Assessments= rendez vous
observations= observations
treatments= traitements
vital signs= signes vitaux
intake and output (I&O)= bilan entrées sorties
safety measures= mesures de sécurité

For you: to irrigate a catheter: flush it out
Assessment= evaluation
Dressing= bandage (pansement)
Sharps container is for used needles
4x4 is a sterile compress, 4 cm by 4 cm

Year 2, Module 2 : Very Important Vocabulary

1. Why document ? :
a.Quality Insurance

2.Document what ?
a.Nursing interventions
c.Administration of medications
d.Assessment data
e.Risk assessment, safety concerns
f.Discharge planning

3.What precautions ?
a.Maintain confidentiality, privacy
b.Document your own observations only
c.Not applicable, N/A

4.What formats ?
a.EHR-Electronic Health Record
b.SOAP-Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plans
c.CBE-Charting By Exception
d.MAR-Medication Administration Record
e.VS-Vital Signs

5.Passive Tense : Thing or person receiving action + BE (conjugated in whatever tense) + past participle of verb (by + thing or person doing the action)

A client was suctioned
The physician has been notified.

The patient is suctioned every day.
The patient is being suctioned.
The patient was suctioned.
The patient was being suctioned.
The patient has been suctioned.
The patient has been being suctioned.
The patient had been suctioned.etc……

6.Record, the verb ; Record, the noun (pronounciation)
7.Assume/ Assumption: English meaning: take or accept as being true/a notion that is accepted without proof. French meaning: take responsibility

8.Follow policies and procedures
9.Continuity of care
10.HIPPA: American law regarding confidentiality and privacy
11.Prn= as necessary, q2hrs= every 2 hours
12.Hyphenated words: follow-up; health-care provider
13.When should the nurse document what he or she does? (Documentation of an intervention should never be completed before it takes place.)

Module 3 Very important vocabulary

Hypertension, high blood pressure
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, URI
Urinary Tract Infection, UTI
*Cerebrovascular Accident, CVA, stroke
Cancer , Ca (of the liver) (or other organ)
*Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM,
sudden onset of increased thirst and frequent urination
Peripheral Vascular Disease, PVD
Prefixes, suffixes

*Myocardial infarction, MI, heart attack
Acute coronary syndrome
Acute myocardial ischemia
Coronary artery disease, CAD
*Angina (“angine de poitrine”)
Cardiovascular disease, CVD
Congestive Heart Failure, CHF (“cardiac insuffisance”)
Blood vessel
Blood clot
Blood flow
Cerebrospinal fluid, CSF
Blood pressure
Total hip replacement, THR

Chest pain may indicate a critical lack of oxygen to the heart

Medication reconciliation
Patient Safety
Adverse drug events (ADE’s)
over-the-counter medications, OTC
herbal medications

Questions to patient regarding medications
Do you take anything for….
How often do you take….

Is in for
Presents with
Admitted with
Has been diagnosed with
Has a past history of
Takes____; is on_____
No known allergies

Error-prone abbreviations
Look-alike, sound-alike drugs

Always ask for clarification
If it doesn’t seem right, speak up

Module 4 Very Important Vocabulary

Patient complains of…….……c/o…….. complains that
Patient denies…….
Patient describes……..
Patient reported……
Patient booked for/scheduled for…..

The pain is aggravated by…..
The pain is located in…..located at….
Relieved by…..Relieved within (10 minutes)
Described as…….describes as….
Brought on by…….
Precipitated by…….
Rated as…./scored as…..rates as….

Pain: mild, moderate, severe
Pain: tingling, sharp, stabbing, burning, throbbing, aching


Fatigue, malaise, lightheaded

Chest pain, tightness, discomfort, fullness, pressure, palpitations

Shortness of breath, (SOB), dypsnea, labored breathing

Frequency, urgency, burning on urination

Nausea and vomiting (N&V)

Paresthesia (pins and needles)

History of Present Illness
What does it feel like? Can you describe it?
Where is it located?
What sets it off/ brings it on/provokes it?
What makes it worse? Does anything make it worse?
What makes it better?
How severe/intense/bad is it? Can you rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10?

Checking up on the patient
How are you feeling? How is ____ feeling?
Are you still (nauseated)?
Does your hip hurt you?
How does the IV in your arm feel?
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